Moosehead Matchup
A Free Log Home Package Comparison
At Moosehead Cedar Log Homes, we recognize that purchasing a log home is a major investment and that comparing log home companies is not easy. You’ll need to look at more than just the price. It’s important to also compare the quantity and the quality of the materials involved. To support you in this decision, Moosehead Cedar Log Homes offers a comprehensive and free log home package comparison service – the Moosehead Matchup.
Follow these simple steps:
Step 1:
Provide us with a competitor’s detailed quote (including pricing) and a preliminary plan that goes along with the quote.
Step 2:
We’ll compare the differences between the two quotes and provide a detailed apples-to-apples comparison.
Step 3:
This comparison will result in two proposals: One to identify the advantages our proposal offers, and a second to meet or beat the competitors. This thorough approach results in a clear and concise summary that allows you to easily compare the results, side by side.
Step 4:
If we’re unable to provide a proposal which meets or beats the competing offer in the apples-to-apples matchup, the you will receive a $250.00 gift card upon validated completion of a log home package purchase.